Reset Connect London – Say/Do gap and Other Myths: How to collaborate with consumers to move hearts and minds

ExCeL London 1 Western Gateway London E16 1XL
In-person Mobilising Whole of Society Climate Action By registration Reset Connect Innovation and Technology Professionals

About this Event

Reset Connect has excelled in delivering on sustainability in its plans and actions. Join our clever speakers as they delve deeper into the future of a greener world!

Join customer experts C Space, in collaboration with Jane Frost, CEO of the Market Research Society, in an interactive and engaging session to learn how our myths and biases around consumers and businesses are getting in the way of the two parties driving progress for a triple win among people, brands and planet.

Bring your observations, questions, and struggles and we’ll work together so that you leave with clarity on:

  • How collaborating with consumers can help build internal buy-in and give direction to all teams working to execute sustainability strategies
  • Five core principles of success to take away and apply to your own customer research
  • When research goes wrong – key mistakes to avoid when talking to customers about sustainability
  • Questions to make sure you ask of an agency when briefing sustainability research
  • Learnings from fellow businesses and brands doing it right

Accessible only through VIP Delegate, Start-up/Scale-up or exhibitor passes. Get them here and find out more about Reset Connect’s two-day workshop & round table programme.