Building Resilience through Integrated Solutions: Sustainable Land Management Linked Insurance

Marlborough House, London, UK
In-person Financing Global Climate Transitions Invite only Finance Innovation and Technology Resilience

About this Event

Desertification, land degradation, and drought (DLDD) present a complex web of challenges, each exacerbating the impact of the others through a destructive feedback loop. This cycle sees land degradation and desertification reducing the land’s ability to retain water, thereby undermining food production systems and making them more vulnerable to drought. Such droughts further damage the land, enhancing the process of desertification. This iterative process serves to not only diminish the land’s productivity but also reduce societal resilience to drought and various climate-related adversities.

The  UNCCD and the Commonwealth aim to address these challenges and enhance the adoption of risk transfer mechanisms, with a focus on parametric climate risk insurance. Such insurance serves as a crucial protective measure for farmers, who are particularly susceptible to climate-triggered yield reductions, including risks from climate shocks and other factors like pests, epidemics, and conflict. Importantly, these financial tools offer both protection against shocks and incentives for investments in good years, improving household resilience to droughts and similar challenges.

This round table aims to present and discuss an innovative approach to bolster climate resilience by integrating with existing climate insurance models, leveraging convergence of evidence through data analytics, and employing scalable technologies for effective communication and monitoring.

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